Wakey time

DDG taking advantage of the sun this week, cold but workable.
As you can see she is AWOL from her bat cave. Th drip tray is not for engine oil, thats still transaxle oil, complete PITA

Still small leak from rear hatch seal, must be coming from top down inside, all bottom sid leaks sorted.
Can been washed and agressively hosed down side windows sorted, so looking good.
Anyway more motorway journeys, local runs, more bumnps and rattles fixed. MOT next Monday to come.
So back into the bat cave she goes

And sleep time

Planning permission back in now for its new home, here is hoping I get it granted this time, then DDG will not be alone
DDG taking advantage of the sun this week, cold but workable.
As you can see she is AWOL from her bat cave. Th drip tray is not for engine oil, thats still transaxle oil, complete PITA
Still small leak from rear hatch seal, must be coming from top down inside, all bottom sid leaks sorted.
Can been washed and agressively hosed down side windows sorted, so looking good.
Anyway more motorway journeys, local runs, more bumnps and rattles fixed. MOT next Monday to come.
So back into the bat cave she goes
And sleep time

Planning permission back in now for its new home, here is hoping I get it granted this time, then DDG will not be alone